To Do appears to save some information locally and let you work offline but that’s a TRAP. In our tests, the To Do pane continues to work when offline but only if the pane is already open when connected. It’s NOT like the core Outlook features (Email, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks) which are mostly saved on your computers (a PST or OST file) and will continue to work offline. To Do in Outlook is just a web page that MUST be online to work properly! A very sophisticated web page, likely a Progressive Web App but still something that only works online. The To Do pane in Outlook 365 has most, if not all, of the features in the web page version of To Do for a good reason. If you’ve used To Do elsewhere, in particular the web page version, then the Outlook window will be very familiar. At left is To Do’s breakdown of tasks (My Day, Important, Planned, Assigned to me etc) plus any custom lists.