This results in an immersive production centre that offers nothing but unlimited music creation with an intuitive workflow and performance solutions. An on-board touch-screen gives you access to the MPC’s standalone capabilities and functions while the iconic performance pad section features 16 RBG backlit pressure sensitive pads. The Akai MPC X and MPC Live are both standalone products that don’t require a computer to make music.

Akai Professional MPC sets the bar as the industry leading all-in-one production centre, take full advantage of your creativity with the MPC Live and MPC X. The Music Production Centre gives the user intuitive workflow combined with an unprecedented interface and forward-thinking functions that no imitation can get close to copying.

The Akai Professional MPC series has always worked to move forward alongside the evolution of modern music and provide musicians with innovative production and performance tools and equipment. DJ Starter Kits and Beginner DJ Equipment Deals.LED Scanners and Barrels Lighting Effects.LED Moonflower and Twister Lighting Effects.Wireless Bluetooth Listening Headphones.